Sunday, June 5, 2011

191 and allergies

So first the awesome news- the scale weighed in at 191 this morning!!! yay!! that's 51 lbs GONE!!!! Wooohoo!!

Hubby and I took our dog to the park today - serious allergy season has started for me I think because almost immediately I felt awful! I still do. Someone needs to turn off the faucet that is my nose! and the sneezing, my goodness!! The itchy, watery eyes. blah. Plus I think I got a sunburn so i feel warm too. ugh!! let's just hope it's only allergies. I dug out my claritin reditabs and we shall see.

Tuesday is my next fill so i really do not want to be getting sick....


Leslie said...

Congrats on 51lbs gone, that is so awesome!!

Allergies have hit me REALLY hard this year, I hate them. It feels like every year they get worse!

Beth Ann said...


Jen said...

yaay 191! that is my favorite new number too :) Keep it up- sorry about the allergies I have them and hate them too- blah