Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday sunday sunday

Happy Sunday night! My last post was a random jumble of thoughts hidden within one paragraph. I was posting from my cell phone that day, so sorry if it was hard to follow! So, yesterday I went and re-timed my one mile run and this time I accomplished it in 11 minutes and 27 seconds!! Woo hoo!! That is compared to 11 minutes, 43 seconds back on 1/31. Not too shabby. I'm learning to push myself harder. I did the body fat testing I was mentioning in my last post. It was interesting I guess. It was a giant bath tub basically with a scale of some sort built in to it. The guy had me go under water and breathe out all the air I could as quickly as I could and then once the scale stopped moving he would tap on the side to tell me I could come up. He would do this until we had 2 consistent readings. It was harder that I thought to expel all the air in my lungs under water and get a consistent reading. In the end he showed my body fat at 50.6 lbs and 32.1%. This is supposed to be the "gold standard" of body fat testing, but comparing it to the numbers from my doctor office's "less accurate" method, they are not that much different. On 1/31 my doctor's office showed me at 54.51 lbs if fat and 33.7%. I think in the future I'm okay sticking with my doctor's method of measuring rather than paying the almost $50 for the test that is supposed to be more accurate. If the #s are that close, a little margin of error is okay with me. On to other news - hubby and I went to the comedy club last night to see Pauly Shore. It was fun to get out and have a date night and the comedy wasn't too bad although I think I enjoyed it more than hubby. It was nice to get all dressed up in my dress and boots and feel girly! Also went shopping and bought some cute new outfits the other day. I'll need to model them and take some pictures still. I'm excited about dinner tonight - I am cooking chicken thighs in the slow cooker with a mix of peanut butter and salsa for a Thai flavor. I hope they taste as good as they smell!

1 comment:

Lap Band Gal said...

I wanna see pics of your new clothes :)